What is a Sugardate? Well, I've heard about many people setting a goal to go without eating any sweet treats for a certain amount of time. For some it might be a week, others might set their sights on a special occasion. Maybe they'd just like to make it until the end of one day!

So if you'd like to remind yourself that a treat is a treat, not an every meal indulgence, join me... Make a Sugardate.

How to Make a Sugardate

This is the easy part...  setting the date. 

Then cut sugar out of your diet until then, which may prove to be a bit more challenging.  If you're new to this, perhaps limit your sugar consumption to once a day to begin with.  Then, maybe go for three days.  If you are really looking to cut back, make a date that is further out.  Let your health goals guide your decision as well.  Deprivation can really create a scenario for failure.  Know yourself and be realistic, please.

Additionally, you can decide how to define "sugar."  Honestly, it is different for everyone.  Fruit contains fructose, a type of sugar.  I do not recommend you cut out fruit!  Same thing could be said for lactose in dairy products.  Don't cut those out either.  Obvious things to omit include dessert, soda, syrup, jam, etc.  You'll have to decide where you stand on granola bars, flavored yogurt, and some breakfast cereals, just to name a few gray area choices.

After you set your parameters, come back to Sugardate and check in, support others, and let us motivate you too.  When offered a treat, you can simply decline.  Or better yet, say "No thank you, I'm Sugardating."  Explain the idea and maybe you'll recruit more daters who want to make a healthy lifestyle change.

When your date arrives, make it meaningful.  This is not a day of gluttony!  Rather, a special occasion to enjoy the treat that you like the most.  Reflect on how you felt without sugar in your diet.  What did you crave?  How did you combat hunger?  What would you do differently?

Finally, would you make another date?