What is a Sugardate? Well, I've heard about many people setting a goal to go without eating any sweet treats for a certain amount of time. For some it might be a week, others might set their sights on a special occasion. Maybe they'd just like to make it until the end of one day!

So if you'd like to remind yourself that a treat is a treat, not an every meal indulgence, join me... Make a Sugardate.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Almost Ready to Cheat!

When I Sugardate, usually the first few days are ok.  I'm motivated and usually grossed out by how I've eaten in the days leading up to it.  Then by day 4 or 5, I get a little craving.  This time was no different.  This is what I resorted to:  Homemade Protein Bars and Sugar Free Protein Brownies.  They were both new recipes and turned out pretty decent.  Best thing is that now my little craving is gone and I can push on!  Crisis averted, feeling great, my body loves me!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sugar Alternatives

Ugh...  It seems that as soon as I start using the newest sugar substitute, research shoots it down with all kinds of terrible side effects.  It is hard to know for certain.  In the last year, I've really been trying to use Stevia, a natural, herbal sweetener.  I even carry the packets in my car and purse in case I need it on the run.  And I grow it in my garden.  What are your thoughts???

My Sugardate

It's time for me to hit it!  I did a great job of exercising over the holidays, but I did manage to eat enough to know it is time to Sugardate again.  So my date will be February 2.  That is the day I run my first (likely my only!) half marathon.  I figure it will be great to cut empty calories out of my diet while I train to get my body really healthy and ready for the race.  Who's with me?!?